
A Bicycle Hiring Platform


Mobile App Design

Role: Product (UI/UX) Designer, UX Researcher

Duration: 5 weeks

Tool: Figma, Figjam, Typeform, Paper, Pencil


Pedal app is a hiring platform for bicycles which allows majorly students to hire bicycle and accessories on campus. It also provides a convenient payment method.



User Research







Students find it difficult trekking long distances in the campus environment to get to a particular location.

With the provision of shuttle buses by the university most students find it difficult to move around the school environment conveniently because of the high charging fee.


79% of the students on campus complain when the shuttle prices increases.

Trekking into the campus, make 80% of the students fell fatigue during their morning lectures.

94% of the students have no other choice than to trek into the campus.

As a result of the survey, 40% of the students had to relocate to accomodation in the campus.

79% of the respondents can ride a bicycle.

20% of the respondent agreed on writing unless a helment is involved.

95% of the respondents agreed that trekking into the campus is exhausting.

A potential problem of security was noticed by 30% of the respondents.

95% of the respondents supported the idea to support their movement around the campus.





High Brand Awareness

Good text display.

Social media presence.

Known for bicycle Repairs


Lacks responsivity.

Too much white spaces.

Lacks responsivity.

Too much white spaces.

Poor interaction.

Poor image quality.


45% out of 80%

15% out of 80%


Unbelievably cheap, tested by both students and reporters

Very expensive charging system for an average person.


Creating awareness on social media platforms.

Extending to other near campus environments.

Creating awareness with articles and blogs.

Creating awareness on social media platforms.


A rule of 140 connects per day

They offer other services along side.


Both depends on technology and the physical environment.

The service is physically transacted.

It is located on a local area network.


Aim is to reduce stress among the students.

Aim is to repair bicycles and rentals


80% are of positive reviews with a 20% of negative reviews.

No reviews on the websites.


Perform a competent check on the users ability to ride a bicycle.

A small arena should be created, where the users can come and test their riding skills. The users is expexted to get at least 85% to be granted the license to hire a bicycle. This is done to reduce accident around the campus.

Add section for safety accessories

A respondents complain from the interview, concluded it might be safer to include an option of helment and hand gloves to avoid unneccessary form of accident.

Solve the problem of threat

While performing competitve analysis I noted there wasn’t a concrete form of security. I ideated and resulted to a tracking chip inside the bicycle.

Repair and maintenance section

This was taken from the SWOT analysis and should be taken with priority to avoid accidents on the way. Each and every bicycle should be tested before hired.

Reasonable charges

This is my strength, if we have a reasonable charging fee on the hours and daily scale. This service will be maximally patronized by students.

Marketing the service

My competitive analysis made me realised the need of marketing. To create awareness to the students, the service should be publised on both the social media and flyers.


This internal and external analysis was done to see my opportunities in a warning market and how my weaknesses can be subdued by my strengths.


Reasonably charge.

Provsion of safety accessories.

Tight security protocols.

Majority of the students can ride bicycle.

Majority of the students will patronize the service.


The product depends on technology.

Servicing of bicycles oftenly.

Repair & Maintenance of bicycles.


Absense of direct competitors.

Inflation of fuel prices.

Young people growing interest towards exercise.

Job employment on the different location.


Theft of bicycles

Emergence of a new competitors.

Possible shortage of bicycles

Dissatisfied or frustrated students.


Name: Emmanuel Chinedu

Age: 22

Occupation: Student

Location: Enugu (Nsukka)

User Story

He lives outside the campus with low income from his sponsor. He loves playing chess, reading his Bible and playing football. Emmanuel is currently undergoing internship at the Mobrivo Limited.


Come into the campus early.

Being less fatigue when moving around the campus.

Pay less while coming to the campus.


Coming to campus late.

Always tired after trekng into the campus environment.

Always difficult to meet lecture time.

Coming to campus late.

Always tired after trekng into the campus environment.

Always difficult to meet lecture time.

Name: Amadi Chidima

Age: 20

Occupation: Student

Location: Enugu (Nsukka)

User Story

A 200 level student of Pure anad Applied Chemistry, at the age of 20. She lives inside the campus in the hostel with low income for up keep. She loves dancing, hanging out and readng novels. She is currently being nominated for a dance competiton.


Get to places quickly.

Feel more active in the day.

Have fun and be happy.

Pay less while moving around the campus.

Get to places quickly.

Feel more active in the day.

Have fun and be happy.

Pay less while moving around the campus.


Far Proximity to my department.

Fluctuation of fuel prices.

Get to the lecture hall fatigue.

Far Proximity to my department.

Fluctuation of fuel prices.

Get to the lecture hall fatigue.

Far Proximity to my department.

Fluctuation of fuel prices.

Get to the lecture hall fatigue.


After laying out the key points. I will focus on what is the best platform for this service as well as solving the frustrations of my personas. I decided the best platform for this service is a mobile app because of this following reasons.

It saves time (for you to order before reaching the service location).

Mobile app can work offline (in checking the recent choices and task completed).

This service has a specific purpose that is to lease bicycles.

Data retrieval happens swiftly in mobile apps ( an example is when you forget your login details).

It allows steady enhancement of the UI (easy changes to improve the engagement and conversion rate.




It was done to give a direct glimpse into the users likes and dislikes and it helped me understand how users feel about different visual design. I embarked on a qualitative user testing to find out.

It was done to give a direct glimpse into the users likes and dislikes and it helped me understand how users feel about different visual design. I embarked on a qualitative user testing to find out.

I first got an appreciaton on the colour choice from a senior ux desgner.

The user flow to get a service is fast.

The section for community is very engaging in a campus environment.

Every student will definetly patronize the service.

The filter section should include more options.


Not just designs, I create product timeliness and success metrics.

I also align your users and stakeholder’s needs & want including business goals into your products.

I analyze and synthesize users behavior using the product through UX Analytic tools.

I can keep tracks of all the products that have been created and released; and keep on improving them.

About Me