
An African NFT Platform



Role: Product (UI/UX) Designer, Researcher, Tester

Role: Product (UI/UX) Designer, Researcher,


Duration: 7 weeks

Tool: Figma, Typeform, Paper, Pencil


Brak is an African online platform for African Creators and Collectors to create, sell and get recognized with their NFT’s. This allows the Creators to produce digital works relating to the African Culture mainly to promote the narrative. This also allows the Collectors world wide to view Creators works that relate to the African narrative or not.








African digital artists find it difficult to continue producing digital art relating to the African culture.

Most African digital arts are not being sold and recognized world wide, leading the marketplace over saturated and little potential buyers.


The UX of this product is based on the needs of the user and it is a User Centric Design / UCD /. My design process is based on a deep dive methology, to find out if it is a problem.

The UX of this product is based on the needs of the user and it is a User Centric Design (UCD ). My design process is based on a deep dive, to find out if it is a problem.


Creators don’t have enough Collectors

From the interview, I gathered that most of the Creators need their NFT to be sold. This doesn’t mean it is the marketplace at fault, it can be the Creators are not doing enough story telling for their NFT as adverts.

The Sad Truth

The African NFT creators have a solid truth that focusng on African art won’t give them a high shot at the international market through their NFT. It is true but, I believe that patnering with top bodies at the marketplace can make it possible with holding seesions of storytelling, holding relevant blockchain discussions.

Better UI Login

GPS location instead of mainly typing the email addresses is a way to reduce the amount of info delivered onlne and can increase the ease n the marketplace.

GPS location instead of mainly typing the email addresses is a way to reduce the amount of info delivered onlne and can increase the ease n the marketplace.

Main language selection for different countries in Africa.

Size analysis.


The aim of the research is to study and understand the NFT marketplace, to discover the prospects of establishing and developing an online platform for mainly Africans.


The African NFT creators have a solid truth that focusing on African art won’t give them a high shot at the international market through their NFT.

In the marketplace other problems can include low demand of African NFT, over saturation of the marketplace, not beng recognized and ,etc.


The African creator will be highly interested in creating NFT that depicts their envronment and be recognized with it. This can increase demand among other NFT collectors, like seeing works relatable to their environment and be proud about it being placed for bidding. It will be done by patnering with top marketplace environment to give us seminars and live meetings in storytelling and more hidden info about the getting recognized in the marketplace.



Passive Income Provision.

Most African Creators can be recognized.

Patnership with top NFT marketplace.

Product to tell their story in the main African spoken languages.


Ban of crypto in some countries of Africa.

Legal Challenges.

Smart Contract Risks and Mantenance of NFT’s.


Potential High learning curve when African creators get recognized.

Possible increase in demand.

Increase in the African Style of digital art.

Increase diversity in language for communication.


Cyber threat and online fraud risks

Defective Copyright protection.



Sign Up





If you want to get more recognsed as an African

Pay less gas fees.

Type in your email address and password.

Type in your location.

Visit the website.

Select a language.

Selects create and sell

Scroll down featured works, popular NFT, most veiwed.

Clicks on place a bid.

Click on the payment method.

Select card option.

Touch Points

Social media


Words of mouth

Text Field


View all.

Search bar.




Place a bid button

E - wallet

Back icon

Share button

Text feld

Place a bid

Pay button


One platform providing quality work and features designers.

Option of entering either email or mobile number.

Content Categorzaton.

High resolution images.

Size analysis.

Use better grid system.

Use of white spaces.

Less information to reduce cognitive load.

Design with respect to heuristic principles.

Use better grid system.

Requirement of lesser details.

Use of familiar terms

Use of GPS location instead of manually typing the address.



Name: Joy Adams

Age: 25

Occupation: Photographer

Location: Osun, Nigeria.

User Story

Joy Adams is a photographer in Osun state, Nigeria. She has been a photographer for 5 years leaving with her parents. She is currently among the photography club in Osun.


Sell on a platform that credits my work.

Space that can make my NFT highlighted.

Platform that appreciates African narrative.

A space that shows digital arts (NFT) made by Africans and African culture.


Potential buyers can’t relate to my digital works.

My works can’t get recognized.

My category of digital art are not in demand in the marketplace.

Name: Kambi Joseph

Age: 48

Occupation: NFT Collector

Location: Accra, Ghana

User Story

Joseph is a married man with 2 kids, he currently lives in Ghana. He has been a NFT Collector that specializes in audios for 4 years. Most of his works has always been sold in the yearly exhibitions in South Africa.


Platform that appreciates African narrative.

A space that shows digital arts (NFT) made by Africans and African culture.

Meet potential buyers that find my works relatable.


I hardly see Creators auctioning works related to African culture.

Potential buyers can’t relate to my digital works.

I hardly see Creators auctioning works related to African culture.

Potential buyers can’t relate to my digital works.



Most African digital arts are not being sold and recognized world wide, leading the marketplace over saturated and little potential buyers.

African digital artists find it difficult to continue producing digital art relating to the african culture.


This issue might affect them every now and then when their works have not yet been bidded or place on a bid


It can make Africans be a complete blocker to African narratives.


Up 80% of the African Creators looking out to get recognised are likely impacted by the issue.


A lot of work is needed to solve this issue like creating a product, patnering with top bodies in the marketplace, holding sessions on selling, etc.


The products main functionality is to solve the issue and add related features where necessary.


This product would definently need a platform to achieve all it’s goals. I chose a website over all the possible platforms beacause it is accessible across platforms, easily shared among users around the world. It is easily upgradable, findable and compatible.




The aim of this user testing is to detect avoidable and unavoidable error in the possible solution created to boost the African Narrative. I did it by choosing people who are not so familiar with NFT for more reliable result.


A UI Designer made some correction comment on the home page that requires changes in the User Interface structure of the mobile homepage.

A UI Designer made some correction comment on the home page that requires changes in the User Interface structure of the mobile homepage.

A Frontend Web Developer made some important remarks on the needfulness of the creators name and pic on the collections in the profile image.

A Ux Designer made some feedback on its reponsivity.


While designing I fully came to the realisation that first ideas for the app are just beginning process.

I also overcame my biases and decided to create a product that is useful to Africans

What is next?

Conduct usability testing after making more responsive screens

Conduct more forms of analysis to determine new areas of need.

Create more and different form of awareness to sensitive Africans on the new marketplace.


Not just designs, I create product timeliness and success metrics.

I also align your users and stakeholder’s needs & want including business goals into your products.

I also align your users and stakeholder’s needs & want including business goals into your products.

I analyze and synthesize users behavior using the product through UX Analytic tools.

I can keep tracks of all the products that have been created and released; and keep on improving them.

About Me